Peace Education Syllabus

Peace Education Syllabus


peace education b.ed second year syllabus


After completion of the course, student teachers will be able to
·        understand the theory of peace education and its importance
·        understand peace as a dynamic social reality
·        understand the NCF 2009 recommendations on peace education
·        familiarize with transactional modalities
·        develop the skill in role-playing & storytelling
·        develop the feelings of peace, love compassion, tolerance and harmony through
·        meditation, yoga and exercise
·        implement the philosophies of great thinkers in their day to day life



Peace: Concept and Scope:

·        Peace – Meaning, nature and its relevance relating to the present global scenario
·        Different sources of peace: Philosophical, Religious, Social and Psychological.
·        Types/Classification of peace- Positive, Negative, Inner peace, Social Peace and Peace with Nature.
·        Peace Education: concept and scope
·        Peace education – fundamental concept, scope, need and its importance
·        Aims of Peace Education
·        Types of peace education

Peace Education: Strategies and Agencies:

·        Different Peace Education Strategies.
·        Role of different organizations like  UNESCO  in  Peace  Education  (  with  special  reference to Delor’s Commission Report)
·        NCF 2009 recommendations on Peace Education.
·        Role of community, school, and family in the development of values  for  Peaceful  coexistence


Understanding Peace as a Dynamic Social Reality:

·        Challenges to peace by increasing stresses, conflicts, crimes, terrorism, violence and wars resulting in the poor quality of life.
·        Role of Peace education in the development of Love, Compassion, Tolerance, and Harmony at National and International levels.
·        Transactional modalities

·        Cooperative Learning
·        Group Discussion
·        Project Work
·        Conflict Resolution

·        Contribution of the following Great Educational Thinkers in Peace Education and their Educational Implications
·        Rabindranath Tagore
·        Mahatma Gandhi
·        Aurbindo
·        Swami Vivekananda

Tasks & Assignments: Any one of the following

·        Role-Playing & Story Telling
·        Peace and Harmony Through Meditation, Yoga, And Exercise
·        Any other project/assignment given by the institution.


·        Balvinder K. (2006).Peace Education. New Trends and Innovations, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., Rajouri Garden, New Delhi.
·        Bernard, H.W. (1951). Towards Personality Adjustment, Mc Graw Hill Book Co., New  York.
·        Biggs, D.(1995). In Our Own Backyard: A teaching guide for the rights of the  child,  Toronto: UNICEF Canada.
·        Blakeway,  M.,  (1997).           Compilation of Research Materials. Washington D.C., National Institute for Dispute Resolution.
·        Blalock, H. M.  (1967).Toward a Theory of Minority-Group  Relations.  New  York: Wiley.
·        Boulding, E. (1996). Peace behaviors in various societies.  In  From  a  culture  of violence to a culture of peace, Peace and Conflict Issues Series, UNESCO Publishing, pp 31– 54.
·        Dewey (1969). The school and Society, Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press (Reprint).
·        Lederach, J. P.(1995). Preparing for peace: conflict transformation across cultures. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press.
·        Machel, G. (1996). Promotion and protection of the rights of children: impact of armed conflict on children. United Nations, New York.
·        Reardon, B., ed. (1988). Educating for global responsibility: Teacher-designed curricula for peace education, K-12. New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University.
·        Reardon, B.(1993). Pedagogy as purpose: peace education in the context of violence. In Cremin, P., ed. (1993). Education for Peace. Educational Studies Association of Ireland and the Irish Peace Institute.
·        Shah, I. (1971). Thinkers of the East. London: Penguin Books.
·        UNICEF(1994). I Dream of Peace. New York: Harper-Collins.
·        UNICEF (1996). The State of the World’s  Children  Report  1996.  Oxford  University  Press.
·        UNICEF Lebanon (1993). ‘Learning for life program’.
·        UNICEF     Liberia  (1993). Kukatonon: Training manual of conflict resolution, reconciliation, and peace.

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